Wednesday, December 12, 2007

positions and reasons

From the precious book "Birth: An Anthology of Ancient Texts, Songs, Prayers and Stories" edited by David Meltzer.

"The Position of the Private Parts

At the beginning of the world it had been the Creator's intention to place both men's and women's genitals on their foreheads so that they might be able to procreate children easily. But the otter made a mistake in conveying the message to that effect; and that is how the genitals came to be in the inconvenient place they are now in.

(Translated literally. Told by Ishanashte, 12th July, 1886. Ainu/Northern Islands of Japan.)"

This was told to Basil H. Chamberlain, a British Japanologist active in the 19th century who did some of the earliest translations of Japanese haiku into English, like this one:

The old pond, aye! And the sound of a frog leaping into the water.

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