Monday, November 5, 2007

smart babies drink breast milk

All issues of breastfeeding aside, the news is in!

BBC News has a new report out with the results of a study showing the effects breastfeeding has on IQ. There's a certain gene called FADS2 that breaks down fatty acids that prohibit brain development. This intelligence enhancing gene is present in the milk of 9 out of 10 breastfeeding women.

"The argument about intelligence has been about nature versus nurture for at least a century," said Professor Terrie Moffitt, a co-author on the paper. "However, we have shown that in fact nature works via nurture to create better health outcomes."

I think formula feeding most definitely has its place, sometimes being the only thing sustaining a new life. But it's also nice to know nature has proven itself once again as being superior to a deceptively marketed alternative.

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